Background animated GIF

I tried to put an animated GIF on this article's background.

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Dec, 17

Javascript: localStorage and the string format

While I was programming the lunar phase article, I ran into a problem with localStorage.

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Dec, 16

PostgreSQL Replication on Debian - The easy way

I managed to replicate the PostgreSQL 16 database on two hosts: the primary and the standby. This is a note I made for future use.

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Dec, 13

Redis on Docker Swarm - A bad idea

I made many tests with Docker Swarm to see how the Redis horizontal scale works. I ended up to the conclusion that scaling in real-time with Docker Swarm is a bad idea.

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Dec, 08

FopenP Calculate Shopping Cost

I created an app that lets you calculate how much you must give to the cashier when you have a certain amount in your credit card and you want pay the remaining with cash.

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Nov, 23

FopenP Optimize Image

Since I always have the memory exhausted in my phone, I thought I'd create an app that would allow me to reduce the size of my images without penalizing the quality or reducing their dimensions.

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Nov, 01

Ninja vs. Robots

My previous game has been made in a few weeks and hasn't been satisfactory for me. I decided to create another game, more complex and complete. The ninja's village is invaded by enemy robots and the ninja shall destroy 'em all.

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May, 26

BTRFS: migration to a new disk (without rushing)

I needed a way for gradually migrate a my magnetomechanic disk to a new SSD storage unit, providing for a RAID1 period in order to see how the new SSD unit behaved.

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Apr, 23

Tubes and Fountains

I always had a passion for programming, CG and music. I created a little videogame called “Tubes and Fountains”, with Godot 3.4.2 (stable) game engine. The aim of the game is opening the water taps closed by a spitful ghost.

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Mar, 18

Godot: walking and turn around

This is an example of how I implemented (on Godot 3.4.2 stable) a walking and turning around system for a protagonist character.

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Feb, 21